2019-20 Enrollment Now Open! Welcome to Comal ISD! We are pleased that you have chosen our district as the place for your child's education. Whether you recently moved to the area or have been here for a while, we want to help make the enrollment process as smooth as possible. To get started with the enrollment process click "read full story."
New School Year Brings New Safety & Security Initiatives The safety and security of every student and staff member is always a top priority at Comal ISD, and in order to further strengthen that commitment, the district has added a few initiatives for the new school year.
Comal ISD Earns “A” on State Accountability with 60 Distinctions The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released its 2019 Accountability Ratings today, and the Comal Independent School District earned a grade of “A” with a score of 92 in the state’s A-F accountability system.
Tips for a healthy start to the school year Part of going back to school often includes a visit to the pediatrician for a well-check, updated health physical, maybe an eye exam and more. Behind-the-scenes at every Comal ISD campus, is a school nurse working to ensure that the new year is a healthy one. Here are a few of their tips to start the new year off right.
What's New in Comal ISD for 2019-20 With a new school year comes new things: new teachers, new courses, new notebooks and new procedures. To ensure you and your student are informed and ready for the first day, check out what’s new in Comal ISD for the 2019-20 school year.
Comal ISD receives inaugural District of Distinction award for visual arts Comal ISD is being honored with a state-wide award for its visual arts curriculum, distinguishing itself among the top 2 percent of districts in the state.
Play that game Finally, a good reason for kids to be glued to their screens - a digital and educational game called vocabulary.com.
Day camps offer summer fun through learning The "lazy days" of summer may be getting too lazy for some. If it's time for a summer shake up, check out Comal ISD's final summer day-camp schedule and have fun with art, science, music, robotics, Legos and more.
Clear Channel Outdoor advertises Comal ISD valedictorians Clear Channel Outdoor San Antonio has partnered with the Comal independent School District to promote the district’s focus on educational excellence. The district is featuring its most recent valedictorians on digital billboards in and around San Antonio, thanks to Clear Channel Outdoor.
Comal ISD School Board Adopts Budget for 2019-20; Approves 4 percent Pay Increase for All Employees At their regularly scheduled board meeting on July 27, the Comal ISD board of Trustees adopted their 2019-20 school year budget and approved compensation increases for all staff.